Aren’t you all fed up of logging into various different accounts on the internet? Think about it, in the last five minutes how many times have you typed out your email address or username and typed a password? I have myself had to sign into at least five different websites in the last few minutes, facebook, GMail, university e-mail, blogspot, eBay, pay pal and my bank. All required me to fill out those little boxes. You may be thinking that sounds like Microsoft's Windows Live ID or one of its’ previous incarnations, well essentially it is but why not do just that? Windows Live ID failed for various reasons, mainly people didn’t trust microsoft with the amount of information they would have access to. But why doesn’t another company with a good reputation, say Google, implement such a system. Many people have a GoogleID already why not extend that to work across other websites. We already see facebook doing something similar, there are several websites now where you can sign in with facebook. So who knows maybe this single sign-in is already creeping up on us?
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